Friday, September 30, 2011

Some Things you Didn't know.....and some things you did

Took this idea from a friend and fellow blogger.  I love it, so I thought I'd do it myself!

  • my favorite color is purple, second favorite is pink
  • my least favorite color is orange
  • I started working at age 14 in my family's market
  • I'm a giver
  • sometimes I give too much and people take advantage of me
  • I'm emotional and over-sensitive
  • I cry over pretty much everything
  • I love making new friends
  • my favorite season is Fall
  • my second favorite season is Winter
  • I despise Summer
  • I would rather be in the mountains than at the beach
  • I always wanted a horse
  • I never got a horse
  • I still want one
  • my dream is to live in Montana on a horse ranch, with mountains in my back yard
  • I need to learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes
  • I over-think
  • I am addicted to Facebook games
  • I miss my family in Michigan
  • I love shopping
  • my dream job is interior designer or stylist
  • my favorite sports team is the Detroit Red Wings
  • my favorite hockey player is Chris Chelios
  • I have several autographed items of his
  • since he has retired, my new favorite is Henrik Zetterberg
  • I have a black lab named Cole
  • my kids make me proud everyday
  • my kids make me smile everyday
  • I have a step-daughter
  • she hates me
  • I don't hate anyone
  • I have been at my job for almost 15 years
  • I love camping
  • I have met and hugged Carter Oosterhouse from Trading Spaces and HGTV
  • One of my best friends was killed when I was 16, he was 15
  • I think about him a lot
  • I despise liars
  • I have a fear of water
  • therefore I cannot swim
  • I have never been to Las Vegas
  • I am a quiet person, but get loud at hockey games and concerts
  • I do not like driving
  • but I love my car
  • I have a large collection of shoes and handbags
I'm sure there will be more, but this is enough for now!!!!

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